The weather was exceptionally good on Tuesday evening, so we packed granny into the car and decided to go for a stroll in the woods, perhaps hoping to spot some berries along the way. We were expecting to come across a few bilberries but much to our surprise there were so many ripe cowberries (lingonberries). Like glistening red pearls they were.

We were not left without bilberries either, gathering a fair amount of both berries.

This fairytale-like forest was dotted with numerous beautiful mushrooms, many of which very poisonous, like the gorgeous but fatal European destroying angel (above, on the right). She is like the femme fatale, the glorious dame in white, so fascinating, dazzling, yet scathing. I left it there, untouched, radiating, practically glowing in its whiteness.

We gathered a basketful of various chanterelles instead. Chanterelles are sneaky, hiding under a layer of leaves, pine needles and other debris, pretending to be something else. You have to pay attention to find them.

Got back home hungry like the wolf. Mum quickly whisked together some pancakes as I cleaned the bilberries. Adding a spoonful of sugar, I roughly squished some of the bilberries with a fork, for instant consumption. Mmm, fresh bilberries with hot silver dollar pancakes and milk. No time for a photo, sorry, too hungry.

The rest got eaten during the next few days, plain and fresh, with breakfast cereal.

Chanterelles got cleaned and neatly brushed. That sure took a while.

I prefer to eat them fried, with a bit of butter and bacon. Snippets of parsley and oregano thrown in. Slather over a good amount of sour cream and serve with fresh pasta. Tagliatelle is good to use here but I had a bunch of fresh tagliolini in the freezer so I used that instead.
Tagliolini with sour cream, smoky bacon and chanterelles for three days in a row. Can't complain.


  1. Anonymous12:35 am

    Pfff.Its good.You are still with us and all the pison is only searing your beautifull pics:) We allw will enjoy your dish with cantharelle:)

  2. Delicious! In Spain there is not wild mushrooms yet but I can´t wait.

    Loving your blog!

  3. Tore reportaaž! Kas bilberry on sama mis bluberry ehk siis mustikas?

  4. now my boyfriend will go on and on saying that he likes mushrooms and he wants mushrooms. still quite not moshroom season here in Italy! But this post is sooo lovely, can't wait for mushroom season!

  5. Valeria, I'm sure there will be plenty of mushrooms soon, at least Italy is known for having some of the best porcini on earth!

    Eva, kuigi nimetatakse pea kõiki sarnaseid marju mustikateks, siis tegelikult meil kasvav Vaccinium myrtillus ongi täpsemalt öeldes bilberry. Kasutatakse ka laiemat nimetust ja öeldakse lihtsalt blueberry. Välimuselt on nad ka natuke erinevad. Meie mustikal on ümmagune "suu", Ameerika mustikal on see nagu lillekujuline. Erinevusi on muidugi veel. Ja ka mustikaliike on tegelikult veel rohkemgi.

  6. Lisaks on need "Ameerika mustikad" (blueberry) ka seest heledad, nagu meie kultuurmustikad. Ma olen ingl.k. Nami-Namis nüüd mõlemad enamasti pannud - neid meie mustikaid (bilberries, pr. k. myrtilles) ei ole niiehknii ju nt Ameerikas saada ja kulinaarses mõttes on nende kasutamisviis sama. (Ehkki desserdid ei jää neid teisi mustikaid kasutades pooltki nii sinised, kui meie mustikaid kasutades)..

    Kena fotolugu!!

  7. Olen ka näiteks märksõnu lisades mõlemad pannud, sest retseptides võib ju neid vabalt üksteisega asendada, aga kui teen mingit kindlat juttu nagu siin, siis parem ikka õigeid nimesid kasutada, endal elu lihtsam ja segadust vähem.
